Story Time – Action Creates More Clarity Than Inaction 

No matter how many lessons I’ve learned throughout my time on this earth, I am constantly reminded that taking action cures uncertainty and slowly creates clarity. I wouldn’t dare pretend to be some type of expert on this subject matter, but I’ve had too many learning opportunities not to share what happens when I take action instead of thinking so much that I never even take the first step. 

Planning or impulsively doing something you have never done before can be extremely scary. It’s like walking in the dark and waiting for your eyes to adjust, and you realize there is no light to show you the way. So you have to trust you have the light within you to find a way.

As much as I know this, I still have my own struggles when I’m faced with new territory or familiar scenarios I still have not resolved how to navigate. What I do know is that we hesitate, procrastinate, and 2nd guess our next steps when we are not sure what we are doing. 

Whenever we are faced with the unknown or something we have never done, we enter this fearful response of retraction instead of walking we make our own path. Some of us are even scared to make our own path or do something different from the norm. At this point in my life, I feel like all my life experiences or major decisions are becoming less familiar. So I am constantly in a phase of acting so I don’t freeze from overthinking.

I have been a dance teacher and a choreographer for 20 years now, and every class I teach or opportunity I get to create movement is new. My response to these opportunities determine whether or not I am successful or hesitant. For example, if a new song scares me a bit then I know I need to take action by just moving to it and then trust that I will figure it out. It’s the only place where skill and creativity makes sense. Then through sweat and work, I begin creating something that authentically represents me as the artist I aim to be.

As a chef, creating new dishes almost always puts me in uncharted territory. Whenever I get an idea, I have to take action in order to make a dish or pastry a reality. I literally have to go in the kitchen and let my skill, knowledge, and work bring my creation to life. If I don’t take action, then it doesn’t happen at all. Just like dance it teaches me to trust that I have the tools and courage to create something new. Even when I am in the dark.

Taking action is the most efficient way to erase the possibility of not knowing. It takes a lot of courage and most times you have to do it alone. For me, when I do take action, I allow myself to make mistakes, fail and sometimes I want to give up. However, I know from experience that those things are a part of the journey and the result of discovering new parts of yourself is much more rewarding. So therefore I welcome the dark.

The question is – why did I decide to share this with you? Over the past 5 years I have heard many people talk about their dreams as if they have given up on the possibility of achieving them. Some started their journey and then stopped abruptly. Some have experienced success and some just convinced themselves that they can’t do it. What I am saying is that I know that you can do anything you put your mind and full effort into. It is not going to be easy. Nothing worthwhile is easy. You will fall. You will make mistakes. You will definitely be embarrassed at some point along the way. However, after you get through those learning opportunities, there is a beautiful destination of self discovery and overcoming your fears that taste sweeter than living in the purgatory of inaction or ‘what ifs’. 

Taking action has taught me more about myself and life than anyone in this world. So I say this to you. Do not spend too much time talking about something you truly want in your life. Take action and trust that you land on your feet even if you fall a few times. Something more beautiful than what you know is on the other side. 

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